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Fractal and Moving Average 100% Accurate in iq option 2021


iwill explain why it's good now i will

place all my money

first because i think 99 will go

down the trend in at least one minute


my first look at moving average 100


is a neutral situation with the moving

average uh

the other two indicators running down of

course after crossing

you also see the fractal indicator

signal from the top

to to to bottom uh so this reminds us

this is one of the best moment


and we have one of course

but remember whenever moving average

lines cross each other

and the fractal signal points in the

same direction the faster you bet

more chances you have of winning because

the longer we are late

the trend may change against us so there

is no

complete accuracy here

now i'm looking for a moment where i

will show you a more

accurate entry point i will try to find

such a moment

just in case

moving average lines should intersect


uh on the left the moving average 100th

period indicator

also shows the trend above as well as

the fractal indicator is about

weight just for a little bit and i


but down this is one of the

very bad mistakes of course here

is a great chance to lose money

and of course the method page off again

and i lost 150 due to a mistake

again a good moment and i will not

switch to another currency because here

um two i think i will

i will win it is a more accurate moment

because the moving average indicators


intersect we also have the fractal

signal there is the moment i was telling

you and i was

saying that the earlier you go the more

chances to have of winning because we


now entered the beginning of the signal

and here i am almost a hundred percent

sure of the profit

here are seven seconds left and again

and again winning of course

the method one

